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Amethyst Acres ZR Ella Fitz

DOB: 7/16/2020 
Color: Chocolate
Notes: Light (1.56%) linebred on ELITE SG NC Promisedland Ram-Beau +*B EEE91


Sire: Amethyst Acres G Zaatar *B

Sire's Sire: Amethyst Acres R Gianni *B

SSS: Cedar View Romeo *B

SSD: SG Sugar Moon RB Gianna VVEE89, ELITE (99th percentile), PTI 2:1- 248, PTI 1:2- 111

ADGA Top Ten 2018 (#3 in milk, #9 in butterfat, #3 in protein) and 2019 (#7 in milk, #4 in protein) 

Sire's Dam: SG Sugar Moon V Zuzanna 4*M, ELITE (99th percentile), PTI 2:1- 348, PTI 1:2- 120

All-Time Nigerian Dwarf Milk Production Record Holder

SDD: NC Promisedland SS Sam I Am ++*B

SDD: SG NC Promisedland Sia Zena 3*M VEEE90, ELITE (99th percentile), PTI 2:1- 301, PTI 1:2- 137


Dam: SG Sugar Moon Nut-Ella 3*M EVEV89

Dam's Sire: SG NC Promisedland Ram-Beau ++*B VEE90, ELITE (95-98th percentile), PTI 2:1- 194, PTI 1:2- 70

Dam's Dam: Sugar Moon Fiona 2*M

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